
ZHU Yinxin
Tel: 86-10-62782746
Fax: 86-10-62773461
E-mail: [email protected]


Built Environment and HVAC Engineering, Low Energy / Sustainable Buildings, Human thermal comfort.



Ph.D., Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Aug. 1989

B.Eng., Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Aug.1984



Sept. 1990Dec.1993, Assistant Professor, Department of Thermal Engineering

July 1992Oct. 1993, Fellow of Japan Society for the Promoting of Science (JSPS), Dept. of Architecture, Nagoya University, Japan

Dec. 1993Aug. 1998, Associate Professor, Department of Thermal Engineering

Nov. 1997Sept. 2000, Deputy Dean of Department of Thermal Engineering

Aug. 1998Sept. 2000, Professor, Department of Thermal Engineering

Sept. 2000Now, Professor of School of Architecture

July 2002Dec.2002, Guest Professor, Integrated Research Center of Science and Technology, Nagoya University, Japan

Dec. 2005Sept. 2008, Director of Institute of Built Environment and Energy Engineering (HVAC)

Sept. 2008June 2018, Head of Dept. of Building Science

Sept. 2008June 2020, Vice Dean of School of Architecture

March 2009Now, Vice Director of Key Lab of Ministry of Education on Eco-Urban Planning and Green Building Research

March 2005Now, Vice Director of Building Energy Research Center, Ministry of Education





Dec. 2005Now, Chair of the National Steering Committee for Higher Education in HVAC Engineering

July 2003Now, Vice Chair of Beijing Association of HVAC Engineers

Jan. 2007Dec. 2019, Vice Chair of the China Accreditation Council for HVAC Program

         Jan. 2001Dec. 2006, Member of the China Accreditation Council for HVAC Program

Jan. 1998—Dec. 2005, Member of the National Steering Committee for Higher Education in HVAC Engineering

2010Now, Academy Fellow of ISIAQ (International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate)

Jan. 2010Now, Council member of the China Committee of HVAC (CCHVAC)

July 2007—Dec. 2015, Board member and China representative of International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)

2013Now, Fellow of IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association)

2014Now, Chair of STC 33 (Science and Technology Committee of Thermal comfort), ISIAQ (International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate)

The editorial board members of international journal Building and Environment (2011Now), Building Simulation (2007Now), Energy and Buildings (20092014), Journal of Building Performance Simulation (20082015), Journal of Asia Architecture and Building Engineering (20012013)

Jan. 2014Jan. 2018, editorial board members of international journal INDOOR AIR

Jan. 2018Now, Associate Editor of international journal INDOOR AIR



1.     Project leader of China National Nature Foundation Project: Research on fundamental issues of effects of thermal environment on thermal comfort during sleep, Jan. 2022—Dec. 2025

2.     Operative Agent of IEA-EBC Annex 69: Strategy and Practice of Adaptive Thermal Comfort in Low Energy Buildings, Jan. 2015—Dec. 2022

3.     Project leader of the China National Key Research and Development Program: Development of Key Technologies and Equipment for Low Energy Underground Transportation Buildings, July 2018—Dec. 2021

4.     Project leader of China National Nature Foundation Project: The Underlying Mechanism and Evaluating Method of Adaptive Thermal Comfort in Building Environment, Jan. 2017—Dec. 2020

5.     Project leader of the China National Science and Technology Support Program: Research and Demonstration of key Green Building technologies in large airport terminal buildings, July 2014—Dec. 2017

6.     Sub-project leader of 973 National Fundamental Research Program “Fundamental  research on airliner cabin environment”: Thermal comfort in airliner cabin, Jan. 2012—Dec. 2016

7.     Project leader of the Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Fundamental Research on Dynamic Thermal Environment and Human Thermal Comfort, Jan. 2009—Dec. 2012

8.     Project leader of the China National Science and Technology Support Program: Design Method and Simulation Software Development for Building Energy Efficiency, July 2006—Dec. 2010

9.     Sub-project leader of the China National Science and Technology Support Program: Indoor environment quality assessment system for single zone, July 2006—Dec. 2010

10.    Project leader of China National Nature Foundation Project: Air velocity fluctuation properties and impact to building environment, Jan. 2005—Dec.2007

11.    Project leader of China National Nature Foundation Project: Dynamic thermal comfort and evaluation, Jan. 2003—Dec. 2005

12.    Project leader of outstanding young researchers fund project supported by the Ministry of Education, Subway system thermal environment control and smoke control in fire emergency, Jan. 1995Dec.1997



1.     Built Environment, 3 credits, 48 hours, 30 undergraduate students

2.     HVAC and Heating/Cooling Source, 5 credits, 80 hours, 30 undergraduate students

3.     HVAC System Design, 16 weeks, 30 undergraduate students

4.     Green Building and Sustainability, 1 credits, 16 hours, 150 students

5.     Massive open online courses (MOOC): HVAC, 2 credits

6.     Massive open online courses (MOOC): Built Environment, 2 credits

7.     Massive open online courses (MOOC): Green Building and Sustainability, 1 credits



1.     Wu Yuanwei HVAC Award, by the China Committee of HVAC (CCHVAC), Oct. 2020

2.     Uichi Inouye Memorial Award, Asia International Award, by the Society of Heating, Air Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, May 2018

3.     Research and application of key technology of green public building environment and energy saving design, the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, Dec. 2019

4.     Research on key technologies of green airport planning, design, construction and evaluation, the First Prize of Civil Aviation Science and Technology Award of China Air Transport Association, 2018

5.     Best Paper Award 2014-2016 of the international journal INDOOR AIR, Feb. 2017. Experimental study of the influence of anticipated control on human thermal sensation and thermal comfort, INDOOR AIR, 2014; 24: 171-177

6.     Research on Green Railway Station Standard and Evaluation System, the First Prize of Science and Technology of China Railway Society, Dec. 2012

7.     Library of Shandong Transportation College, the First Prize of Green Building Innovation, awarded by the Ministry of Construction, 2007

8.     Green Olympic Building Assessment System (GOBAS), the First Prize of Science and Technology, awarded by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, 2005

9.     Meridian Gate Exhibition Hall of the Palace Museum, UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation, 2005

10.    Study on thermal environment of subway system, the Second Prize of Progress in Science & Technology award by Ministry of Education, 2000

11.    Professional practice in education of building service engineering, the First Prize of University Education, awarded by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, 2008



International Journal Papers

1.     Jia Xinyu, Cao Bin, Zhu Yingxin. A Climate Chamber Study on Subjective and Physiological Responses of Airport Passengers from Walking to a Sedentary Status in Summer. Building and Environment, 207(2022) 108547.

2.     Huang Yenhsiang, Jia Xinyu, Zhu Yingxin, Zhang Deyin, Lin Borong. Research on indoor spaces and passenger satisfaction with terminal buildings in China, Journal of Building Engineering, 43(2021) 102873

3.     Wang Zihan, Cao Bin, Zhu Yingxin. Questionnaire survey and field investigation on sleep thermal comfort and behavioral adjustments in bedrooms of Chinese residents. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 253: 111462.

4.     Jia Xinyu, Huang Yenhsiang, Cao Bin, Yingxin Zhu, Wang Chunqing. Field Investigation on Thermal Comfort of Passengers in an Airport Terminal in the Severe Cold Zone of China. Building and Environment, 2021, 189: 107514.

5.     Xinyu Jia, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu, Yenhsiang Huang. Field Studies on Thermal Comfort of Passengers in Airport Terminals and High-Speed Railway Stations in Summer. Building and Environment, 2021, 206: 108319

6.     Hecheng Yang, Yue Deng, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu, Study on the local and overall thermal perceptions under non-uniform thermal exposure using a cooling chair, Building and Environment. 176 (2020) 106864

7.     Xinyu Jia, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu, Bing Liu. Thermal comfort in mixed-mode buildings: A field study in Tianjin, China. Building and Environment, 185(2020) 107244

8.     Nan Zhang, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu. Effects of pre-sleep thermal environment on human thermal state and sleep quality. Building and Environment, 148 (2019), 600-608.

9.     Maohui Luo, Zhihao Ke, Wenjie Ji, Zhe Wang, Bin Cao, Xiang Zhou, Yingxin Zhu. The time-scale of thermal comfort adaptation in heated and unheated buildings. Building and Environment, 151 (2019), 175-186.

10.    Wenjie Ji, Bin Cao, Yang Geng, Yingxin Zhu, Borong Lin. A study on the influences of immediate thermal history on current thermal sensation, Energy & Buildings 198 (2019) 364-376

11.    Hecheng Yang, Bin Cao, Yi Ju, Yingxin Zhu. The effects of local cooling at different torso parts in improving body thermal comfort in hot indoor environments. Energy and Buildings, 198 (2019), 528-541.

12.    Tongling Wu, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu. A field study on thermal comfort and air-conditioning energy use in an office building in Guangzhou. Energy and Buildings. 168 (2018) 428-437.

13.    Wenjie Ji, Maohui Luo, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu, Yang Geng, Borong Lin. A new method to study human metabolic rate changes and thermal comfort in physical exercise by CO2 measurement in an airtight chamber. Energy and Buildings. 177(2018) 402-412.

14.    Hecheng Yang, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu. Study on the effects of chair heating in cold indoor environments from the perspective of local thermal sensation. Energy and Buildings. 180(2018)16-28.

15.    Nan Zhang, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu. Indoor environment and sleep quality: A research based on online survey and field study. Building and Environment, 137(2018)198-207.

16.    V. F, Licina, …… Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu, et al. Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II, Building and Environment, 142 (2018) 502-512

17.    Maohui Luo, Zhe Wang, Gail Brager, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu. Indoor climate experience, migration, and thermal comfort expectation in buildings. Building and Environment, 141 (2018) 262-272.

18.    Maohui Luo, Zhe Wang, Kevin Ke, Bin Cao, Yongchao Zhai, Xiang Zhou. Human metabolic rate and thermal comfort in buildings: The problem and challenge. Building and Environment, 131 (2018)44-52.

19.    Zhe Wang, Maohui Luo, Yang Geng, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu. A Model to Compare Convective and Radiant Heating Terminals for Intermittent Space Heating. Applied Energy, 215 (2018)211-226.

20.    Zhe Wang, Richard de Dear, Maohui Luo, Borong Lin, Yingdong He, Ali Ghahramani, Yingxin Zhu. Individual difference in thermal comfort: A literature review. Building and Environment, 138(2018)181-193.

21.    Maohui Luo, Juan Yu, Qin Ouyang, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu. Application of dynamic airflows in buildings and its effects on perceived thermal comfort. Indoor and Built Environment, 2018, 27(9), 1162-1174

22.    Bin Cao, Maohui Luo, Min Li, Yingxin Zhu. Thermal comfort in semi-outdoor spaces within an office building in Shenzhen: A case study in a hot climate region of China. Indoor and Built Environment, 2018, 27(10),1431-1444

23.    Maohui Luo, Bin Cao, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu. Indoor human thermal adaptation: the dynamic process and weighting factor, Indoor Air 2017, 27: 273-281

24.    Weilin Cui, Haiying Wang, Tongling Wu, Qin Ouyang, Songtao Hu, Yingxin Zhu: The influence of a low air pressure environment on human metabolic rate during short-term (<2 h) exposures. Indoor Air. 2017, 27: 282-290

25.    Weilin Cui, Tongling Wu, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu: Passenger thermal comfort and behavior: a field investigation in commercial aircraft cabins. Indoor Air. 2017, 27: 94-103

26.    Nan Zhang, Bin Cao, Zhaojun Wang, Yingxin Zhu, Borong Lin. A comparison of winter indoor thermal environment and thermal comfort between regions in Europe, North America, and Asia. Building and Environment, 117 (2017) 208-217

27.    Wenjie Ji, Bin Cao, Maohui Luo, Yingxin Zhu. Influence of short-term thermal experience on thermal comfort evaluations: A climate chamber experiment. Building and Environment. 114 (2017) 246-256

28.    Wenjie Ji, Bin Cao, Yang Geng, Yingxin Zhu, Borong Lin. Study on human skin temperature and thermal evaluation in step change conditions: From non-neutrality to neutrality. Energy and Buildings. 156 (2017) 29-39

29.    Minlin Zhu, Qin Ouyang, Henggen Shen, Yingxin Zhu. Field study on the objective evaluation of sleep quality and sleeping thermal environment in summer. Energy and Buildings 133 (2016) 843-852

30.    Tongling Wu, Bin Cao, Weilin Cui, Yingxin Zhu, Qin Ouyang. Measurements of the additional thermal insulation of aircraft seat with clothing ensembles of different seasons. Building and Environment, 108 (2016) 23-29

31.    Bin Cao, Maohui Luo, Min Li, Yingxin Zhu. Too cold or too warm? A winter thermal comfort study in different climate zones in China. Energy and Building, 133(2016) 469-477

32.    Borong Lin, Zhe Wang, Hongli Sun, Yingxin Zhu, Qin Ouyang. Evaluation and comparison of thermal comfort of convective and radiant heating terminals in office buildings. Building and Environment, 106 (2016) 91-1024

33.    Borong Lin, Zhe Wang, Yanchen Liu, Yingxin Zhu, Qin Ouyang. Investigation of Winter Indoor Thermal Environment and Heating Demand of Urban Residential Buildings in China's Hot-Summer-Cold-Winter Climate Region, Building and Environment, 101 (2016) 9-18

34.    Maohui Luo, Xiang Zhou, Yingxin Zhu, Dongqian Zhang: Exploring the dynamic process of thermal adaptation, a comparative study in teaching buildings, Energy and Buildings, 127 (2016) 425-432  

35.    Maohui Luo, Xiang Zhou, Yingxin Zhu, Jan Sundell. Revisiting an overlooked thermal comfort parameter, the metabolic rate, Energy and Buildings, 118 (2016) 152-159

36.    Maohui Luo, Wenjie Ji, Bin Cao, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu: Indoor climate and thermal physiological adaptation: Evidences from migrants with different cold indoor exposures, Building and Environment, 98 (2016) :30-38

37.    Maohui Luo, Bin Cao, Wenjie Ji, Qin Ouyang, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu. The underlying linkage between personal control and thermal comfort: psychological or physical effects? Energy and Building, 111 (2016) 56-63

38.    Maohui Luo, Richard de Dear, Wenjie Ji, Cao Bin, Borong Lin, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu. The dynamics of thermal comfort expectations: The problem, challenge and implication. Building and Environment. 95 (2016) 322-329

39.    Yingxin ZHU, Qin OUYANG, Bin CAO, Xiang ZHOU, Juan YU, Dynamic Thermal Environment and Thermal Comfort (Keynote: Indoor Air 2014), Indoor Air, 2016 (26)125-137

40.    Yenhsiang Huang, Lin Borong, Nie Yao, and Zhu Yingxin. Functional Relationship Between Lighting Energy Consumption And The Main Parameters For Double Atrium Offices, Procedia Engineering 121 (2015) 1869-1879

41.    Zhe Wang, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu: Modeling and measurement study on an intermittent heating system of a residence in Cambridgeshire, Building and Environment, 92 (2015) 380-386

42.    Zhe Wang, Richard de Dear, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu, and Qin Ouyang: Rational Selection of Heating Temperature Set Points for China's Hot Summer - Cold Winter Climatic Region, Building and Environment, 93 (2015) 63-70

43.    Zhe Wang, Haitian Zhao, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu, Juan Yu. Investigation of indoor environment quality of Chinese large-hub airport terminal buildings through longitudinal field measurement and subjective survey, Building and Environment 94 (2015) 593-605

44.    Zhe Wang, Zhen Zhao, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu, Qin Ouyang. Residential Heating Energy Consumption Modeling through a Bottom-up Approach for China's Hot Summer-Cold Winter Climatic Region, Energy and Buildings, 109 (2015) 65-74

45.    Yingxin Zhu, Maohui Luo, Qin Ouyang, Li Huang, Bin Cao: Dynamic characteristics and comfort assessment of airflows in indoor environments: A review, Building and Environment 91 (2015) 5-14

46.    Zufeng Pei, Borong Lin, Yanchen Liu, Yingxin Zhu, Comparative study on the indoor environment quality of green office buildings in China with a long-term field measurement and investigation, Building and Environment, 84 (2015) 80-88

47.    Maohui Luo, Bin Cao, Jérôme Damiens, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu, Evaluating thermal comfort in mixed-mode buildings: A field study in a subtropical climate, Building and Environment, 88 (2015) 46-54 

48.    Jie Ma, Xiaofeng Li, Yingxin Zhu. An hourly simulation method for outdoor thermal environment evaluation, Building Simulation 2015, 8 (2)113-122.

49.    Weilin Cui, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu, Field study of thermal environment spatial distribution and passenger local thermal comfort in aircraft cabin, Building and Environment, 80 (2014) 213-220

50.    Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu, Min Li, Qin Ouyang: Individual and district heating: A comparison of residential heating modes with an analysis of adaptive thermal comfort, Energy and Buildings, 78 (2014) 17-24

51.    Li Huang, Edward Arens, Hui Zhang, Yingxin Zhu, Applicability of whole-body heat balance models for evaluating thermal sensation under non-uniform air movement in warm environments, Building and Environment, 75 (2014) 108-113

52.    Maohui Luo, Xiang Zhou, Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu, Can personal control influence human thermal comfort? A field study in residential buildings in China in winter, Energy and Buildings, 72 (2014) 411-418 

53.    Zhou Xiang, Ouyang Qin, Zhu Yingxin, Experimental study of the influence of anticipated control on human thermal sensation and thermal comfort, Indoor Air, 2014, 24: 171-177

54.    Yingxin ZHU, Ling SONG & Jérôme Damiens, State of the Art of Green Building Standards and Labeling System Development in China, International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, 2013, 4(3) 178-184

55.    Juan Yu, Guoguang Cao, Ouyang Qin, Weilin Cui and Yingxin Zhu, People who live in a cold climate: thermal adaptation differences based on availability of heating, Indoor Air, 2013, 23(4) 303-310

56.    Cao Bin, Shang Qi, Dai Zizhu, Yingxin Zhu. The impact of Air-conditioning usage on sick building syndrome during summer in China. Indoor and Built Environment, 2013, 22, 3: 490-497.

57.    Li Huang, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu, Lingfei Jiang. A study about the demand for air movement in warm environment. Building and Environment, 61 (2013) 27-33

58.    Weilin Cui, Guoguang Cao, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu, Influence of dynamic environment with different airflows on human performance. Building and Environment, 62 (2013) 124-132

59.    Weilin Cui, Guoguang Cao, Jung Ho Park, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu, Influence of indoor air temperature on human thermal comfort, motivation and performance, Building and Environment, 68 (2013) 114-122

60.    Juan Yu, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu, Henggen Shen, Guoguang Cao, Weilin Cui, A Comparison of the Thermal Adaptability of People Accustomed to Air Conditioned Environments and Naturally Ventilated Environments, Indoor Air, 2012, 22: 110–118

61.    Jie Ma, Xiaofeng Li, Yingxin Zhu: A simplified method to predict the outdoor thermal environment in residential district, Building Simulation, 5(2) 157-167, 2012

62.    Zhen Zeng, Xiaofeng Li, Cheng Li, Yingxin Zhu, Modeling ventilation in naturally ventilated double skin façade with a ventilation blind. Building and Environment, 57(2012) 1-6

63.    Li Huang, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu, Perceptible airflow fluctuation frequency and human thermal response, Building and Environment, 54 (2012) 14-19

64.    Li Huang, Yinxin Zhu, Qin Ouyang, Bin Cao, A Study on the Effects of Thermal, Luminous, and Acoustic Environments on Indoor Environmental Comfort in Offices, Building and Environment, 49 (2012) 304-309

65.    Cheng Li, Xiaofeng Li, Yaxuan Su, Yingxin Zhu: A new Zero-equation turbulence model for micro-scale climate simulation, Building and Environment, 47 (2012) 243-255, 2012

66.    Jinjing Hua, Qin Ouyang, Yiran Wang, Hui Li, and Yingxin Zhu: A Dynamic Air Supply Device Used to Produce Simulated Natural Wind in an Indoor Environment, Building and Environment, 47(2012) 349-356, 2012

67.    Bin Cao, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu, Li Huang, Hu Hongbo, Deng Gaofeng: Development of a multivariate regression model for overall satisfaction in public buildings based on field studies in Beijing and Shanghai, Building and Environment, 47(2012) 394-399, 2012

68.    de Dear, RJ, Akimoto, T, Arens, EA, Brager, G, Candido, C, Cheong, KWD, Li, B, Nishihara, N, Sekhar, SC, Tanabe, S, Toftum, J, Zhang, H, Zhu, Y. Progress in thermal comfort research over the last twenty years. Indoor Air. 2013, 23:442-461.

69.    Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu, Qin Ouyang, Xiang Zhou, Li Huang, Field study of human thermal comfort and thermal adaptability during the summer and winter in Beijing, Energy and Buildings, 43(2011) 1051-1056, 2011

70.    Li Huang, Yingxin Zhu, Q Ouyang, B Cao, Field survey of indoor thermal comfort in rural housing of northern China in heating season, Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2010, 26 (2) 169-172

71.    Juan Yu, Yingxin Zhu, Q Ouyang, B Cao, Experimental study on the effects of climatic characteristics on people's adaptability to thermal environment, Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2010, 26 (2) 279-282

72.    Yingxin ZHU, Borong LIN, Bin YUAN, Low-cost green buildings practice in China: Library of Shandong Transportation College, Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China, 2010, 4(1) 100-105

73.    Feng Ning, Ma Jie, Lin BR, Zhu YX, Impact of landscape on wind environment in residential area, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 16 (Suppl. 1) 80-83, Dec. 2009

74.    Yu Qiong, Zhou XR, Lin BR, Zhu YX, Simplified prediction model for lighting energy consumption in office building scheme design, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 16 (Suppl. 1) 28-32, Dec. 2009

75.    Gu Lijing, Lin Borong, Gu Daojin, Zhu Yingxin, An endpoint damage oriented model for life cycle environmental impact assessment of buildings in China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53 (23), 3762-3769, Dec. 2008

76.    Borong Lin, Xiaofeng Li, Yingxin Zhu & Youguo Qin, Numerical simulation studies of the different vegetation patterns’ effect on outdoor pedestrian thermal comfort, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96 (2008) 1707-1718, 2008

77.    Lijing Gu, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu, Daojin Gu, Mingxing Huang, Jiazi Gai, Integrated assessment method for building life cycle environmental and economic performance, Building Simulation, an International Journal, 2008 (2) 169-177 2008

78.    Chunhai Xia, Yingxin ZHU & Boronmg LIN, Building Simulation as Assistance in the Conceptual Design, Building Simulation, an International Journal, 2008 (1) 46-52, 2008

79.    Chunhai Xia, Yingxin ZHU & Boronmg LIN. Renewable energy utilization evaluation method in green buildings. Renewable Energy, 2008, 33 (5) 883-886.

80.    Hongjun Li, Xiaochun Chen, Qin Ouyang, Yingxin Zhu, Wavelet Analysis on Fluctuating Characteristics of Airflow in Building Environments, Building and Environment, 42(12) 4028-4033, 2007

81.    Zhou Xiang, Ouyang Qin, Lin Guanjing, Zhu Yingxin, Impact of Dynamic Airflow on Human Thermal Response, INDOOR AIR, 16 (5) 348-355, 2006

82.    LI Liang, LI Xiaofeng, LIN Borong, Zhu Yingxin, Improved k-e two-equation turbulence model for canopy flow, Atmospheric Environment, 40 (4) 762-770, Feb. 2006

83.    Ouyang Qin, Dai Wei, Li Hongjun, Zhu Yingxin, Study on Dynamic Characteristics of natural and mechanical wind in built environment using spectral analysis, Building and Environment, 41(4) 418-426, 2006

84.    Yingxin ZHU, Borong LIN, Sustainable Housing and Urban Construction in China, Energy and Buildings, 36 (12) 1287-1297, Dec. 2004

85.    LIN Borong, TAN Gang, WANG Peng, SONG ling, ZHU Yingxin: Study on the thermal performance of the Chinese traditional vernacular dwellings at Wannan area in summer: field measurements and data analysis, Energy and Buildings, 36 (1) 73-78, Jan. 2004

86.    Yingxin Zhu, Yinping Zhang, Gang Li, Fengjun Yang, Heat transfer processes during an unfixed solid phase change material melting outside a horizontal tube, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 40 (6) 550-563, June, 2001

87.    ZHANG Yinping, SU Yan, ZHU Yingxin, HU Xianxu, A general model for analyzing the thermal performance of the heat charging and discharging processes of latent heat thermal energy storage systems, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 123 (3) 232-236, Aug. 2001

88.    Yingxin Zhu, Yan Zhang, Modeling of Thermal Processes for Internal Melt Ice-On-Coil Tank Including Water-Ice Density Difference, Energy and Buildings, 33(4) 363-370, April 2001

89.    Yingxin Zhu, Yan Zhang, Dynamic Modeling of Encapsulated Ice Tank for HVAC System Simulation, International Journal of HVAC & R Research, 6(3) 213-228, July 2000

90.    Yanbing Kang, Yinping Zhang, Yi Jiang and Yingxin Zhu, A General Model for Analyzing the Thermal Characteristics of a Class of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage System, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 121 (4) 185-193, Nov. 1999

91.    Yingxin Zhu, Hideharu Niwa, Xiangyang Chen & Nobuo Nakahara, Study on the Dynamic Behavior and Evaluation of Energy × Environment Performance in HAVC Reference System for BOFD, Transactions of AIJ (Architecture Institute of Japan), 461: 69-79, July 1994



1.     How to create comfortable and healthy indoor environment?A new opportunity for HVAC. ISHVAC 2019, 14 July, 2019, Harbin, China (Plenary report)

2.     How to create comfortable and healthy indoor environment? Healthy Buildings Asia 2019, 25 Oct. 2019, Changsha, China (Keynote report)

3.     How to create comfortable and healthy indoor environment? A new challenge for sustainable buildings. Special lecture for Uichi Inouye Memorial Award Asia International Award, Waseda University, 10th May, 2018, Tokyo, Japan (Invited talk)

4.     How comfortable is adequate? Rethinking on indoor thermal environment creation. 10th Anniversary Conference of Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable Environment and Building Systems (KIAEBS), Nov. 2017, Seoul, Korea (Plenary report)

5.     How comfortable is adequate? The 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (ISHVAC 2017), 22rd Oct. 2017, Jinan, China (Plenary report)

6.     Personal Thermal Comfort System, A New Challenge to Building Energy Simulation. The 3rd Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, 28 Nov. 2016, Jeju, Korea (Keynote speech)

7.     Adaptive thermal comfort in low energy office building under subtropical climate. Singapore Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the Tropics (SinBerBEST) Annual Symposium, March 2016, Singapore (Plenary report)

8.     Low Energy Design in mixed-mode office buildings under subtropical climate: A case study in Shenzhen. International Conference of Mitigating and Adapting Built Environments for Climate Change in the Tropics, March 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia (Keynote speech)

9.     Dynamic Thermal Environment and Thermal Comfort. INDOOR AIR 2014, July 2014, Hong Kong (Keynote speech)

10.    How to assess occupants' thermal comfort in mixed-mode buildings?——A field study in subtropical climate. The 2nd Int. Sym. on the Interaction between Human and Building Environment, Feb. 2014, Seoul, Korea (Plenary report)

11.    Occupants' behavior adaptation-The key feature of the sustainable buildings. International Symposium on Creative Sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism toward the Green Growth, March, 2014, Seoul, Korea (Plenary report)

12.    State of the Art of Green Building Standard and Labeling System development in China. International conference on Sustainable Building Asia, July 2013, Seoul, Korea (Plenary report)

13.    Natural ventilation and thermal comfort in dynamic thermal environments. INDOOR AIR 2011, June 2011, Austin, US (Plenary report)

14.    Natural Ventilation and Dynamic Thermal Comfort. AIVC International Conference 2010: Low Energy and Sustainable Ventilation Technologies for Green Buildings, Oct. 2010, Seoul, Korea (Plenary report)

15.    The Route to Low Carbon and Energy Efficient in China. International Conference on Carbon Reduction, Sept. 2010, Hong Kong (Keynote speech)

16.    The Route to Sustainable development for China-Rethink on adaptability of building energy efficient technologies. International Green Building Conference, Oct. 2009, Singapore (Keynote speech)

17.    How developing countries find their own way to urban sustainabilityThinking from the building energy research in China. International Symposium on Realizing Low Carbon Cities: Bridging science and policy, Feb. 2009, Nagoya, Japan (Invited talk)

18.    Buildings and EnergyChinese Perspective. International Forum-Integrating Climate Change Mitigation in Urban Development in Asian Cities, Dec. 2007, Nagoya, Japan (Invited talk)

19.    Air flow Fluctuation and Dynamic Thermal Environment. The 5th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (ISHVAC 2007), Sept. 2007, Beijing, China (Plenary report)

20.    Sustainable Building Market Transformation in ChinaChance and Challenge. International Workshop on Strategic Market Transformation for the Promotion of Sustainable Buildings, Dec. 2006, Tokyo, Japan (Invited talk)

21.    Research and application of green building assessment system in China: from GOBAS to GBAS. 6th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia, Oct. 2006, Daegu, Korea (Plenary report)

22.    Development of Sustainable Building Rating System and Policy in China. AIK 1st Korea-Japan-China international conference, March, 2006, Seoul, Korea (Plenary report)

23.    Green Building Development in China. Design 2005 Symposium-East Meets West, April 2005, Nottingham, UK (Plenary report)

24.    Airflow Fluctuation & Thermal Environment. Joint SymposiumNew Challenges in Building Services, Nov. 2005, Hong Kong (Plenary report)

25.    Sustainable Building Development in China. 2nd International Workshop on Sustainable Habitat Systems, Fukuoka, Japan, October 2005 (Invited talk)

26.    GOBAS——China Green Olympic Building Assessment System. The 6th International Conference on Eco-Balance, 25-27 Oct., 2004, Tsukuba, Japan (Keynote speech)

27.    Tsinghua Green Building Research CenterA Low Energy Demo Building. 2004 Asia-Pacific Conference of International Solar Energy Society, Oct. 2004, Gwangju, Korea  (Keynote speech)

28.    Airflow fluctuations and thermal environment: A literature review. The 4th international Symposium on HVAC (ISHVAC’03), Beijing, China, Oct. 2003 (Plenary report)

29.    Educating and Training of HVAC Engineers and Technicians in China. The 7th International Energy Agency Conference on Heat Pump Technologies, May 2002, Beijing, China (Plenary report)



1.     Yingxin Zhu, Borong Lin, Qingpeng Wei, et al, Guidelines for low energy design and operation of tall spaces terminals. China Architecture & Building Press, Sept. 2020

2.     Yingxin Zhu, Yinping Zhang, Xianting Li, et al, Built Environment (1-4th edition), China Architecture & Building Press, 2001~2016

3.     Yi Jiang, Borong Lin, Jianlong Zeng, Yingxin Zhu, Residential Building Energy Conservation, China Architecture & Building Press, March 2006

4.     Yi Jiang, Youguo Qin, Yingxin Zhu et al, Green Olympic Building Assessment System, China Architecture & Building Press, 2003

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